2 months later

Wow! I havent post almost nothing here, but still have some views, here are some sketches:

Some digital colorized/traditional sketches

8 days later

I really like your sketches. The bird beast creatures in particular are really cool

13 days later

Not really a sketch...

wow! this looks epic :open_mouth:
hi-tech wild west? ;D

Thanks a lot @echo_jk !, yep I was thinking of Cowboy Beebop but I have to admit that I saw that cowboys vs aliens movie with Daniel Craig too, so definitevely is that mixture.

@castonia Super glad you liked it, and also thank for the likes, I indeed didnt "paint" that last image, I did a tutorial to explain the way i got that colors digitally, So check it out!

This looks like a really useful technique. Thanks for sharing

I have entered to an artstation enviroment challenge with the theme of the arthurian myth, so here are some thumbnails of avalon and the sword in the stone "scenes" and some sketches of this idea of putting archways on the sea, leading to the shores of avalon.

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