I really like how you did the hair. I don't know I like what you have here. Maybe you can try adding a rim light coming from behind here.

@malcom thanks, man. I am not sure about rim light yet but I am trying to blend her in with the background bit by bit.
However, today's evening i spent on figuring out the background a bit more and changing the scale of a character. I hope background looks better now and that character doesn't seem out of place anymore.

Since i didn't plan this piece thoroughly I screwed up my light again, oh well <_>
I tried to push certain parts a bit darker. I think the hair could use a bit more highlight, however, I know that blond hair doesn't really reflect too much light because it is usually dry and doesn't have much colour molecules in it but either way i think it could use a bit of a shine.

This background is a lot better than the last. With this new background you probably don't need a rim light. As far has the hair goes, you can use artistic liberties there to push the piece further in my opinion.

oh thank god, i was pulling my hair off trying to figure out the background and the colours and the values :smiley: im glad it works
and i hate drawing hair.. but so far my plan is to finish the outfit around the chest, push the hair and do something about them hands :smiley:
that's the best hair i've ever done in my artistic history xD

lol Yeah I believe your on the right track here. :+1: Just keep it up. :smile: I will also agree on the hair. It really came out nicely. Looking forward to see what else you do with this piece and your personal project as well.

Very nice! Something about this painting reminds me a bit of the work of Dan Dos Santos. Maybe it's the strong figure against a contrasting background, but it's definitely pretty cool.

Tbf I call it done, I personally don't wanna work on it any longer ad i don't have anything to add to it. so there you go
like it or not - it's done :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it looks great, I love especially how you painted the face. I think the one thing is missing that could help make it more interesting is a more predominant directional light, something that would push the values and add a completementary and contrast-y color to the scene. I took the liberty to do a super quick paint-over. I imagined the sunlight coming through the trees because yellow-ish light is the easiest, but it can be any color depending on the mood you choose of course.

What I did is a pass in overlay with a soft brush and a yellow color, then a pass in screen with the same color but a harder brush. Then I added a gradient from black (at the bottom) to trasparent (at the top) in overlay to push more the values in the foreground and a brightness/contrast level to raise the overall contrast a tiny bit.

Hope this helps for your future works :smiley:

I'm setting up a new task for myself.
A 2-day generic illustration. Hoping to finish it for Halloween :smiley:
will see if i will manage haha

Well, I doubt that I will finish this today
whatever :smiley:

This looks awesome. You did an really good job on the face. Definitely was the first thing I looked at.

18 days later

I haven't been posting for couple of weeks.
During this period I was sketching a lot of rocks and trees and I proceed doing so as I think it helps me to broaden my visual library. (they are done with traditional medium and maybe I will scan them sometime and post it here, maybe not)

This one is done digitally and I focused a lot on figuring out values and colours without colour picker. I also didn't use any smudge tool or mixer brush (and I'm proud of myself) as without them it is easier to control what you are doing and through what colours you do a transition.

I think it turned out pretty cool and I hope that volumes of this statue read well :smiley:


10 days later

I've been thinking and thinking and thinking... and I decided that I want to abandon the previous idea of sun\moon elves for now, because I want to find a better balance between fantasy and reality.

Anyway, I sketched my new idea and this time around I actually followed a proper plan since usually I tend to jump into painting right away and then my designs look poor.
General idea -> sketch -> searching for needed reference -> lineart.

C'n'C are welcome :smile:

There will be a lot more added as for the design elements, hopefully..

Yes, my sketches are messy