I am fully immersed into Inktober (and my job) recently and i find inking hard and stuff.
But since I had some free time before going to bed tonight i thought to myself: "why not to sketch something for fun?"
So here goes the rough sketch of a girl. I think head is a bit too small.. but oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️ at least the abs are cool

It's really good! No hands again? :hand:

Hahah! Yea! Hands are so hard to draw! I need to do some practice and research i guess. Oh my oh my 😁

Well, the hands you did on your repainted piece looked pretty nice, so you do have the ability to do handshidden somewhere in you :smile:

bet it's in the deepest corner of my brain

16 days later

Since I realized that i have a hard time figuring out values and how light or dark i can go in a painting, i decided to do some research on how to understand it more.
So I was trying to build a base of these landscapes using 3 values (darkest, midtone and a lighter tone) and only after i added a bit more details. I tried to stay within range of the value i was painting on and here are my results.
Some of the pictures i picked turned out to be pretty hard to understand for me. And yes, it was intentional not to make these photos grayscale.
Some of them i failed completely, haha :smile:
But it's ok.

The value exercise with the landscape turned out pretty well. Some aren't exactly the same as the original, but overall they look really nice :smile:

As for that last piece, it's coming along pretty well. I really love the face so far. Just watch out for her hear as it seems too low right now. The neck might bit a bit too long too, but it could also work depending on the proportions of the rest when it's done.

Looks better now

You're welcome! She looks pretty nice :smile:

2 months later

The Possession.
He tells her to do something bad apparently :dizzy_face:

i am not sure how i will colour this from this greyscale but I think i will have to find a way :smile:


If you're using photoshop could use gradient maps. It can be a bit tricky to use, but they can be quite powerful. Here's a tutorial for you in case you've never heard of it.

Otherwise you can also manually paint over it using layers in different blend modes to colorize and then add finishing touches with some opaque colors. If you go that way I'd recommend that you read this article. It should be pretty helpful.

Thank you, Cedric for the video tutorial and the article (it is so well written and easy to understand).
I will try both and see what suits me better.

I tried to use gradient maps and I really liked it. Painted a bit over it as well.
not sure about colour scheme yet, I will try to experiment with it more at some point. I really wanna find some good colours to make this scene more creepy, so it is more obvious that she is possessed.
And I also need to do reasearch on a night time skies. :night_with_stars:

Oh nice! I'm starting to get kind of a classical painting vibe from it now. Not sure if it's the subject or what, but I like that.

As for making it more creepy, I think that you could darken the whole thing quite a bit and then bring back some of the light from the lantern. Because we all know that dark equals creepy... right? But seriously, I did a quick try to see what it could look like. You'll judge if it's something you'd like to try or not.

I might have overdid it a little, but I feel it does give a purpose to the lantern as it now becomes the main light source. As for the possesion effect, I just gave them both glowy red eyes, but I'm not sure if it work or not :sweat_smile:

So far I like where this is going though. So I'm looking forward to see where you go with it.

Lighting will be your best friend in making this as creepy as possible! I definitely recommend going along with the lantern as your primary light source :smile:

Yes, I would agree that I should probably darken the whole piece and use more of the lantern as the main light source.

The piece turned out to be pretty disturbing haha x) I can definetly recognize your touch :smiley:

2 months later

I spent few days at my actual job painting on my crappy laptop.
(crappy because the screen "eats" up a lot of values and colours and I cant help it)
I am not going back to any of these so I just drop em here.

this was day 1

And this was Day 2