Hey there - I'm a self taught artist from Germany and start my journey NOW. Strictly speaking it began in my childhood as for many other artists too, but on 1 August 2018 I've got something like an epiphany
I allways loved to paint but I also hesitated to make it a living. Will I ever be good enough? The competition is too big etc. Surely every artist knows those thoughts. Beside that I like to make music and do 3D stuff and could never commit myself what I want to focus in - where my chances to get a job would be the best. (Well, if you aren't good enough the chances are the same in every topic.) Whenever I saw the works of professional artists, no matter in which of the called subjects, I despaired - they were so much better than me and I was so frustrated that I quit every practice. That vicious circle started again and again, whenever I found the motivation to start a new try.
Then a few days ago I began to think it over. My dad always said: quality prevails - but how could I get that quality when I split my power into three different subjects? And what is the subject I REALLY want to do? Painting. That simple. No matter the competition!
So my journey begins
Edit: Of course you can find me on artstation, instagram and facebook: