Hello everyone! I'm Ella from Finland. I'm a 21-year-old, self-taught artist, who has dreamt of being able to make my own manga series. I can draw somewhat (Ig: elzu_art), but I have never exactly studied art or the basics. I get frustrated, because I have so many ideas and concepts, but I have trouble expressing myself through my present drawing skills since I have no stable knowledge of any fundamentals, color theory, anatomy, etc. Starting today, I will try and improve my skills throughout this year at my own pace. I'm also looking for friends to talk to and to practice art with.

Manga (anatomically correct) is the style I'm personally studying for, but I also want to be able to do other things like concept art for video games or movies.

Feel free to come to talk to me if you want to get to know me better, and need a drawing buddy. I also would like to receive constructive feedback on anything I manage to post here, so I know what to improve on and practice! :smile:

For drawing, I use ClipStudioPaint EX, and Wacom Cintiq 16 pro (2021). Digital art is my main hobby :smiley:

I love anime, animals, studying, drawing, and playing videogames <3

Hello Ella! Welcome to Cubebrush! I hope you'll enjoy your time here and you'll find what you're looking for here. Best of luck in your art journey! I look forward to see how your work evolves :smile:

Thanks! :smiley: I hope I'm able to get through this program without any major difficulties:)

You're welcome! I'm sure you'll do just fine :smile:

By the way, will you be posting mostly the things you do for the ArtSchool program? If that's the case there's a forum section dedicated to it where you would likely receive more feedback for that. I can move this topic there if that's your plan. Let me know!

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. You can move this if it's not too much trouble:)

It's done! And once again, I wish you all the best for in creative journey :smile:

eyy just gave u a follow on IG :smiley:
ur art is pretty good :smile:

self-taught artist, who has dreamt of being able to make my own manga serie

Eyyy same! I'm plotbuilding/worldbuilding/characterbuilding a long 24-arc post-cyberpunk/solarpunk comic with 5 main characters and 100's of side characters of which i plan to make 6 trailers for along with my own music for it :smiley: (ie lots of work lol)

Thanks so much! :smile:
That sounds so cool! My main idea is a psychological thriller/horror series, but I only have the concept in my head, since I can't make any of my character designs look exactly like I want them to look :sweat_smile: ( I have a certain style and look I'm going for)

Welcome to the forums! I am interested in seeing your progress toward a manga!

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