11 days later

Great stuff. your enviroments really capture the mood which is awesome. Can't wait to see more m8 :wink:

Thanks mate! I hear a lot about my pieces capturing the mood. I guess thats is my strenght, I wish i could be a badass character design but anatomy kills me! hahah

8 days later

3 months later

29 days later

1 month later

Result of a paint exploration study.

I call it The Judge.

That hello kitty sticker is perfect haha
I really like the bold shapes! Maybe try using a textured brush for shading some time? Hard edges and textured surfaces can really make for a nice contrast and it's easier to avoid the shading looking kind of plastic-y =)
Really nice work overall!

Hey Janna! Thanks for the feedback and kind words! I am really trying to leave this plastic feel behind, thanks for the advise on shadows + texture :smile:

OMG just checked your profile, your work is incredible! I was showing it to a friend yesterday saying ''look at this artists, she is a monster!'' :smiley:

@epcmattos Sure thing, actually starting to shade with texture brushes was a revelation to me :,D The fur on your little critter looks so much more natural already!

Oh man, thank you so much haha :smiley: