Hi everyone. My name is Estevão Mattos and here you will find a mix of WIPs and studies focused on landscape and characters mostly, maybe some creatures from time to time.
I'm still learning, but I dont actually know a lot of digital painters IRL, so I hope this post will also be a tool for making new contacts andsharing knolowedge and C&C in general.
May we all grow together as persons and artists =)

more at
IG @epcmattos

Welcome! I really like your env painting, they give me a certain peace. I love the use of simple values and brush strokes. Keep it up :smile:

So glad to read that, thanks for the kind words :smile: :smile:

Inferno Level for a 2D game I'm currently collaborating on. The style is kinda flat, nothing too fancy here, but I liked how the temperature works on the scene =)

I did this piece I while ago when I was trying to create some brushes using mechanical parts, like engines and propellers... I really like Sci-Fi aesthetics but Im not good with mechanical design, I usually end up with something more organic with some high tech details. I also like to reduce the human figures to little black shapes =)

Cool stuff in here man! Really like them all! :smiley:

paint exploration.

started with just a messy canvas and ended up with this giant salamander. I feel that it needs another references for scale... like some humans close by, or some constructions, houses...idk... maybe I will work more on that, its only 30 min. work at that stage.

that looks sick! really good background for a game!; But I would have to see the first plane on top so I could see if it works or not, but for now it looks great!

Thanks ! Nice to hear that!
I will make some mock up with the plataforms. Its a runner type game, so does not need much detail, dont expect much hehehe

haha thats true, i didnt flip the canvas on that one. My bad! xD Thanks for de C&C :smiley:

11 days later

Lovely colors on those landscapes, keep it up! :grinning:

thsnk! I[ve been practicing landscape mostly lately :smile: