Here are some simple skeletons! This was actually more challenging than I thought it would be! Trying to figure out the perspective of the cylinders can be a bit difficult. For the second batch, I decided to go fast, so I wouldn't worry about making the lines or shapes perfect. I think I'll take more time to consider the volumes in the future.
Great job on those gestures!
I also build my art in layers of sketches. What helped me to refine my lines was to lower the opacity after each pass. Draw the full figure with loose lines, lower the opacity, do another pass on a new layer with tighter lines and so on.
To be honest I really like your figure drawing. The loose lines give it lots of energy.
Some more simple skeleton exercises, first I traced over them and then in purple, I did from reference. Looking at others' work I decided to make the cylinders longer, which compared to the first skeleton, the other two look a lot better. The main thing I observed is that when I do it from reference I lose the subtleties that I captured in the traces. In the future, I want to be more observant and capture the poses better!
I also did a 15 minute session of 30 sec gesture drawings!
I finally started on the Perspective lesson! I've definitely neglected this part of my art studies, so I hope as I practice, my art improves as well! For the cube assignment, I'm not sure what the norm is, but I personally find the line tool more cumbersome than not, so I did all the cubes and perspective lines freehand. I obviously need to work more on my marksmanship, but are there any improvements needed to be made to the perspective? Thanks!
I'll also be starting the Drawabox course because I've seen others recommend it, and it seems it'll be beneficial to my perspective!
Your gestures are nice ! try to incorporate more of them when u do figure drawing, be more relaxed and try to make long, curvy lines, you can do it i can see on your gestures
Keep up with drawing boxes and cylinders in perspective everyday, its gonna help you so much in the long run with thinking in 3D
Good work keep going !!