ESL Nov '16 select +replies select Finished a whopping 50 thumbnails a few days ago. Need to these more often and fuel my design sense!! You guys should try it, too 3 Likes
ESL Nov '16 select +replies select Trying to be more studious in finding my way of drawing and eventually start painting more!
ESL Nov '16 select +replies select Finally made something I feel happy about for this week's challenge! Feel free to follow me on Instagram @enochsuplee ^^ 1 Like
ESL Nov '16 select +replies select More studies, trying to concentrate on anatomy so I'm not restricted by it anymore!
ESL Nov '16 select +replies select So fatigued from thinking so much this week, so tried to develop sketches from the thumbnail iterations from awhile back. 1 Like
ESL Dec '16 1 select +replies select Been awhile! Learned some new techniques and went through a lot of personal stuff! Here's my weekly: a chocobo & knight 1 Like
ESL Dec '16 select +replies select Need to work on lasso'ing things, so they look more clean and polished :X
ESL Dec '16 select +replies select Took one of the color portraits and fleshed it out into a pint-sized sorcerer :3 1 Like
ESL Dec '16 select +replies select Some studies with a different 'style' approach, to start off the day! 1 Like
ESL Dec '16 select +replies select Some skin/anatomy studies, and a fun sketch. Trying to push for contrast and form~
ESL Dec '16 select +replies select Trying to sketch different poses off of several anatomy analysis/studies!
ESL Jan '17 select +replies select Really need to start on my ART WAR entry, puahaha.. But here's a little update! Feeling more consistent and confident with my color/lines and "style"(?)!
big-misch Jan '17 select +replies select Wow! Lots of nice work in here! I like how that art war work is coming along especially!
ESL Feb '17 select +replies select Finally done with my ART WAR piece! Now to focus on getting gud and bettah.
ESL Feb '17 select +replies select Thank you achronic! Hoping to get a few more done for my portfolio because I'll be at GDC next next week! Cheers
ESL Feb '17 select +replies select Really need to get a piece done this week, so going to update a bit more!