« Once a proud and fierce combattant, now a pile of scraps and dust. »

Found in a cave on a small body of the Tucana M system, the artifact is believed to be a cyborg soldier involved during the final Zone War. Though, it is worth mentionning that the only organic part of this type of unit is its original human skull.

Once retrieved by the archeologists and cleaned up of its layer of dust, it turned out the artifact isn't complete. The high levels of acidic molecules in the soil it was half buried in may be the reason why the bottom half and the forearms are missing.

As the standard procedure demanded, a mold of the artifact was produced to allow detailed studies without risking to damage the original item. The mold was produced by the combination of advanced 3D scan and printing techniques for the best detailing.

Surface analyses allowed to map the composition of the exterior coating for each part of the artifact, dust layer included. Those tests showed that each type of parts (armor or mechanisms) was made of a very specific yet rather simple compound.

11 days later

Great detail and background story!

10 days later

Thanks! Much appreciated :blush: