@badboys9805, @ranarh, @oswea, @eigenspace, Thank you for your comments and feedback! I still haven't made up my mind about any particular variant. I tend to prefer heavier silhouettes like 22, though there maybe some good findings in other versions too. I would like not to exploit already ubiquitous horny motives too much or at least try to treat them in some original way.
@jonatan-moonchild Hi Jonatan! Glad to see you here and thank you for the support! As always time is the biggest issue here, I will do my best.
15 days later
There are so many participants that I fail to keep up with all the updates. I have to focus on my own work and feel blinded to what is going on around on the forum. That eliminates a big portion of fun of the contest for me but I have so little time left.
Here are my recent exploration on the character design. There is very little time left for other stages of character concept, including illustration so I have to make a decision about overall design and move on. I would highly appreciate any feedback.
Looks like you will have a hard time choosing among equally great concepts. If I would be forced to choose, I would choose probably first (maybe with armor headpiece for the horse from the second) or fourth (I think flag from the second would serve here well). But yeah... they are all great. Good luck and may the TIME be with you!
P.S. As for :
... I have the same feeling EXACTLY.
@sparksofdawn @jonatan-moonchild @snakebearer, Thank you very much for your comments! I do feel inclined toward no. 1 as well. I like some brutal heavy feel in it. But I also like something in no 2. I was wondering how those design may look in illustration and tried to incorporate them in composition. Here is what I have got:
1a. Same but with flag.
Let me know what you think!
That should become my slogan for now!