@evehartman @cammie555 @jonatan-moonchild thank you guys !! ^^

yeah exactly , i thought porcelain would go nicely with light and adds the fragility feel to it .. also I was imagining the makers of these dolls and how they take pride in making these fighting tools beautiful! something i'm thinking of more ^^

ok and now here i wanted to roll back a bit and see how the character looked like before she got infected with darkness, also wanted to reduce the percentage of darkness on her design, so we still can tell she's on the light side !^^

impressive work so far! not easy to pull off that texture! look forward to see the finished piece

thank you @grafik !! ^^ i think it's more successful in some part and some still need a little tweaking !^^ but getting there it's a fun material to render!

Now some compositions for the illustration^^ they all revolve around two ideas which are :
1- Being in her last stand on the light side before she turns to darkness , in the battlefield .
2- After the war and her last stand , people made a statue out of her body, and i was thinking maybe to depict that statue ^^ would love to hear your thoughts ^^

the story is not super clear but still refining the edges ^^ but hope it makes a bit of sense so far .

I narrowed it down to these two compositions, still a little torn between both though ,

Depicting the actual moment, the turning point and end of of her story in the battlefield... or the idea of showing her glory through the fact that her final stand deserved a statue and admiration of her creators..

The wide one! The statue is interesting, but if she is made out of procelain it's less relevant to have her lifeless. Her bow is way to appealing to be cropped.
The wide one.

Compositionally, I think the portrait one is more suited to a contest where the goal is to show off a single character. In the landscape one, she is overshadowed by the environment. It's a great illustration layout, but less so for an illustration that focuses on a character design. That being said, though, I'd only go with the portrait one if it were actually her in action, not statue of her. I agree with @innocent that it's not a great choice to have her lifeless.

Also, probably too late to note this, but I was disappointed to see that you moved away from having the top off her head glowing. The version with the white body and glowing head and arrow that you posted seemed very clear that she was a warrior on the side of light. Now the big glowing spear says "Light" but her head and bow say "Darkness." I have no idea which side she's supposed to be on, but the challenge is about making a clear distinction that a warrior is on one side or the other. :hushed:
Good luck with whatever you choose... and hurry! :+1:

Wow! She's just awesome. That's cool mix of light and dark pieces. And it's truly like she's made of porcelain.
I vote for the left one. Not because of the composition, but because of general mood. I'd like to see true her than her statue :blush:
I can't wait to see the final illustration! Good luck! :+1:

12 days later

@innocent @mdashow @meonika Thank you so much for the feedback guys ^___^ , sorry for the very late reply and lack of updates, such a busy time ... all valid points what you mentioned to be honest! I still gave it a thought and decided to go with the statue and i'll explain to you why just as soon as i'm back home from work later today and for now i'll just have to post the final images at least so i don't miss the deadline ^__^

Cheers !!

It's like...awesome from the begining to the final. :full_moon:
Don't forget to update your first post, it would be sad if you are eleminated for this.

oh thank youy so much for the head's up i didn't know i had to btw !

Awesome! I don't even know what to say, everything is amazing here! :blush: So good luck! :wink:
P.S. I'm already following you on Instagram! :sweat_smile: :laughing:

love the style and rendering on this one!

@meonika Thank youuu would love to follow you back ,what's your insta ?
@kantan @deivcalviz Thank youu guys ! glad you like it^^

@innocent @mdashow @meonika as i mentioned before ( an sorry for the delay, it's been a packed few days!^^ ) thank you so much for your feedback^^ but just wanted to explain why i went with the statue idea and composition.

So 1st thing is that i thought it's more challenging to make it work and make it appealing , and saw an opportunity to maybe learn something there ^^

The thing that sounded pretty interesting to me regarding the statue idea , is that people mostly make statues thing they put in a really high value like deities or like people who accomplished something impressive, and thought the idea of people making a statue out of their creation and hold it to such a high value , she should have been so unique and have done something nobody could have done to reach that level, it's literally creators looking up to their creation.

Also i imagined they used the actual her as a statue rather than making a statue of her, like in some way they froze her in that state and displayed her in a huge space.

I was imagining a culture everything revolves around purity, beauty and artistry , so even in a soldier that is made to fight they consider a work of art and something that should represent them.

For her design initially i wanted to have a character either from light side that wields a dark weapon, or the opposite, so i did design her in her initial state when she was completely light but only to explain the design, going with complete light form to me is a bit boring, i wanted to portray her in a more dramatic and interesting moment in her story, which her last moment s while turning dark, but instead of giving up she uses the darkness to her advantage and fights using it too, i imagined her light arrows as they go through the dark bow they turn gray ,become so much more powerful .

Cheeeers!! and good luck everybody ^^

oh this is extra ^^ forgot to share this haha ^^

A little doodly animation of how her last stand might be like if it were in an anime .

(Open it in a seperate tab if it doesnt work^_^)

Really nice art @white-leyth1 !
So interesting how you shaped your character and these blues (and grey/greens ?) fit very well together !