Great design! It's like demonic mech armor!
I really like how the hair and skin stands out so clearly in 1, although the focus is pulled away from the mech arms, etcetera. Whereas in 2 and 3, the accent colors really help that pop nicely. 2 is probably my overall favorite - orange is a suitable accent color here - but her hair and especially horns get lost.
Good luck whatever you choose, especially on the illustration part. :+1: Have you started it yet?

Thanks for comment!
I agree with you, I like 3th pallete but i just don't know how to use it on this character.
Also i was not sure if i use colorful hair or not. Maybe i'll try your suggestion in second sketch too and see how it looks.
I haven't started my illustration yet, but it'll be soon, after doing little bit composition sketch...
PS: I checked your topic too, that 's some crazy /good/ and interesting idea.

Thank you! And good luck with it!

Some composition sketch for my final illustration.
Right now I can't decide between 2 and 4. I'd really love to hear other people's opinion.
Once I choose i'll try different values and lighting on one of them.

Cool ideas! I'd personally go with 2 since I think it gives the best silhouette/flow combo (imo the arm and halberd in 4 overlap strangely)

Between 2 & 4 I think 2's overall camera angle is stronger because we're looking up at here more which makes her seem more powerful than looking down on her. But both of her natural arms/hands get lost on 2, and you might work on making them stand out more in the silhouette. The nice thing in 4 is that both hands real clearly in the silhouette.

All of these poses are not really all that different from your front view in your character sheet. They're not adding anything interesting to the character, not saying anything the character sheet doesn't already say. You could consider some more dynamic poses, something to show her moving or in battle or attacking or doing anything else aside from just standing there. Good luck whatever you choose. :+1:

Here's final design and start of my illustration.
Thanks to @sparksofdawn and @mdashow you guys made my choise sure.
@mdashow I agree with you. I didn't draw dynamic composition because It takes longer for me to illustrate dynamic, and deadline is very close. 2. For now i'm not very comfortable with those poses and when I use that it makes character look worse becuase I make lot of perspective mistakes. 3. I want to show at least 70% of my character with illustration which simpler poses allow it.
And I don't really draw that much worm eye view perspective, so it's kind of small personal challege for me. :smile:

Nice volumes overall!
I would say 4 or 5.
5 is my favourite, it is very cinematographic. The lighting remind me of those huge spotlights you have in industrial complex, consequently i imagine something more SF, even if it stay like this and you have more or less no background.
4, this one is more interesting than the others because of the two sources of light (magic rimlight!).

I liked 4 the best

One of my favourite renderings in the competition. Good luck :beer: