I agree that's gonna be tough, but I'm sure you're gonna figure it out :smile:
And no I didn't realize she lost her lower half, I guess it's gonna be hard to make babies now...ok I'm out xD

I really like your character and I would be sad if you start over, it's really cool!
On which elements are you stuck with maybe I could help :smile:
Keep up the great work, you can do it!!!! :smiley:

Thank you I really appreciate your word! :grin: I'm just thinking that maybe my character is boring, as for now I'm stuck in exploring which design are cool and which are not. Maybe it is the weapon that's boring, maybe it is hard tor recognize the silhouette, maybe skull head character is too general or anything.

You're welcome :smile:
Well, I felt the same few days ago about my character too so I know what you're going through
Your character is really cool, I'm actually a bit jealous that I didn't think about it before you did x) His sword is awesome and the design of the handle is the best part, and about the head, honestly I haven't seen a lot of skullhead that can bleed, so don't worry you can do it!

Love the textured brushes! I think you could differentiate your values a little more. (the skull and the coat)

I like indoor, it works great ! :smile:

Oh nice! Now we're getting to the badass stuff! :smile:
Keep up the great work !

I'm sure you're gonna make it, you can do it! :smiley:
and I like those colors :smile:

Just the composition on this is so cool. The idea is awesome. Maybe she stood him up on the wedding day like The Wedding Singer or something.

This is developing nicely. It's great how the foreground characters pop nicely from the background with the value contrast you've used. Raguel's head is getting a bit lost, though: You might consider making it lighter - it is white bone, after all! - but it's surrounded by that dark cape so some additional value contrast should make that a nice center of focus.

Also, a very minor point, but proper English would be "The Groom Who Dances," not "Dance." It's not about the art so I hope you don't mind my pointing that out.

Good luck finishing it! :+1: