Wow! It looks so badass right now! I can't wait for the final result! :smiley:

Nothing to say, it's just so beautiful! :smiley:

Yeah! Now it's getting bloody cool! :smiley:

Wow this is definetly one of my absolute favourites! You've created a very unique character and I love the sword design and the cathedral theme in the background - can't wait to see it finished ^-^

Yeah! Congrats! :smiley:
It looks amazing ! Good luck for the concept sheet now :smile:

Congrats on finishing everything. Nice work on the concept sheet and great job with all the details in the panting! Everything looks great, but I especially love the blood in the foreground. So dynamic and fluid looking! :smile:
Good luck, and nice work! :+1:

Stunning concept and illustration @seraphinus-calvin !
Very special and unique touches that makes it likeable instantly :smile:

Good luck !

Sure your piece is wonderfull @seraphinus-calvin !
Sadness (of death) mixed with joy (of dance), that's really intense.

I also didn't see before that you painted your architecture without references, that's really nice ^^
It is sure easier with organic things which don't require a lot of symetry and perspective knowledge.

Wow really nice painting ! :flushed:

@mr_dessin yeah that's what I thought too, I want to convey the feeling, movement of that moment. I'm kind of bad with perspective and architecture so I'm using this piece as sort of learning that.
@kantan Thanks man!