Alright, here it is! My final illustration of The False Lady and the concept sheet to go with it. I had a blast making her and I'm happy with how the final turned out. May the dark side win!
Update - 2/12/2018
Finally working on the final illustration! Here's a WIP
Update - 2/03/2018
Picking from a few comps to start making the final illustration
Update - 1/27/2018
Here's what the final design for The False Lady will look like, now time to make the final illustration!
Start - 1/10/2018
Alright, let's start this bad boy off with some concept sketches! The character I'm going for is a "lady of the moon" goddess type being who is actually being impersonated by a dark entity I'm calling "The Falselight".
A finalized design is soon to come, it'll definitely be based on the last two being compared here.