Name: Jordan Hartley (Apollo)

Hello to anyone who stops by and views my post,

My Name is Jordan Hartley, I'm from Mississauga, ON, Canada, and this is the first competition I've entered. I feel this will be a great opportunity for me to grow and help me improve on some of my weaknesses.

I decided to choose "Light" as my side to fight for, and the first thing that came to mind was a picture of an owl I saw a few days ago, hence the name WinterOwl.

Final Concept Sheet and Illustration

19 days later

That's pretty cute and i haven't seen much of winter themed heroes. The blue inside the cape is a good idea and will serve you well in the future, maybe you can add a material (feathers, fur, something comfy). As for her eye a colour contrasting with the cape and the environnement can help to get a focus on your character. Arctic owl often have golden/yellow eyes like in your second option. White hair, white skin, it's better for camouflaging.

10 days later

Keep falling behind, life always in my way :anguished: But i made time (by cutting down on sleep) Anyways the skin was to glowy for my liking and toned it down. Put together the Concept Sheet and now going to get down to the illustration. Time is of the essence :tired_face:

Looking good! Have you decided on a comp for the final illustration yet?

Probably going to go with #4 but change up perspective and lighting a bit

Just a reminder, you have to show at least 80% of your character.

:sweat: oh... well... looks like i messed up then :frowning: dont think i can add much more in the time i have :expressionless: Well i can always try