Continuing on modelling the base character. He's becoming quite the butter face.
A lot of his body will be covered up, but since the armour is so fitted I figure this is just good foundational work for the next stage.
I'm working on the hands right now - they're a bit big on him and I'm not hi-poly enough to get dow to quite enough detail yet but they're coming along. I won't do his feet since he's wearing closed toe shoes.
I guess I could post this up here too just a silly pic from my instagram
Most of this is place holder. I decided to go back and edit my original design. Firstly - I am Canadian and is it cold as hell here right now, so I've had this Stark-eqsue fur cape in my head for a while. Secondly I just wasn't jiving with the first iteration, it was too ... average.
So I think I'm happier with this block out, now I can just keep on trucking making each piece and learning how to make hair/fur!
@jeandiegojd Thank you!
@fantasymaster Thanks!
@florabellarosa Thank you, that means a lot!