had a bit of a slow last two days. finished retopo for the body, and did some prop work, finally gave him a trunk, which needs some polish and a quick retopo as well. his weapons are made from African balboa trees because he's so huge =P Today I'm going to try and get his pose done, polish anything that needs it after posing, finish all his props sculpting and topo and possibly start UVing.

here's my progress from yesterday. did a quick pose in maya and test render in keyshot. Other than doing a final polish pass, and finessing his pose (fingers, expressions etc) I'm calling Oli done. I wasn't able to finish sculpting all the props last night, but pretty close on his weapons which I need to retopo along with the skull. Also need to add the ropes around his weapon and waist, and possible arms which will be the main focus today, and then hopefully get everything UV'd and start baking textures by the end of the night. (those poles will be spears eventually but I'm leaving the environmental props to last if I have time)

Looks awesome man. Really liking the powerful pose

Hey, i like the proportions and the style of this guy ! nice work

Im not 100% sold on that pose. Normally whichever arm is forward, the opposite leg is also forward. It feels a little off balance otherwise.

@malcom thanks malcom!
@Jkooh Thank you!
@Daniel_Velph Thanks Daniel, hopefully once I get textures on there I've dug in far enough for some of the skin grooves to not disappear.
@glubglubz It's probably because this is just before his rear arm would swing forward. He's basically doing a superman punch , so if this were animated, roll forward a couple frames and his left leg would stay the same and his rear arm would be forward as you say. I want it to feel like it's the frame just before he leaps off the rock, over the spears and slams his right arm forward
here's a small update :

@timdan Thank you, sir!
@briansmuin thanks man!
apologies for the lack of updates lately. no exciting changes, just doing topo for the accessories, uving, and prepping to bake and then laying down tertiary details on the skin. I'm officially behind where I wanted to be by about 1-2 days so the next 2 days are going to be rough. I've got 98% of things prepped to bake tomorrow. I'm going to have to be quick and dirty with my texturing, so I might not be able to do the African style body paint I wanted =/ fingers crossed. right now I just want it in marmoset with materials and then I'll keep adding polish

woo! the 5 days extension let me get some real sleep, and go back and polish stuff I had done a little quickly. I just finished improving my UVs by about 25% and I'll be redoing the bakes soon. Once the bakes finish I'll finally be starting to make some materials and get this guy textured! Very excited... Here's a quick screenshot of the low-poly from inside Substance Painter :

Love the pose on this guy. Really aggressive. Better not get in his way. Awesome work here. Looking forward to those textures when you get there.

@malcom thanks Malcom! hopefully I have some time left at the end to work on the diorama stuff more and really make his scale apparent!
Here's a quick update on the texture progress from today. most of the materials are laid out, time to start doing some of the hand painting!

The final came out really nice bro. Best of luck to you.

@malcom thank you sir! I was a little disappointed with not having omni lights in the marmoset web viewer but other than that I'm just happy I finally finished a competition, haha