Wow are you ever moving along quick. Dang! Looking good though. You have tons of time so I'm pumped to see what you do with this guy during that time. Keep up the awesome stuff!

Thanks all for the reply's. The mech will change a lot I still have to retopo all the parts and i think hes about 50 sub-tools so far. I'm also going to make sure I can change the mesh easy into a 3d print and print one out at 8 inches.

Let the clean up being.... looks like he will be over 100 sub-tools once
everything sharp and smooth. I am also making sure its easy to UV and
at the same time quick to flip over to a print friendly mesh. Still a
lot to do.

Lower body almost cleaned up minus the knee area. I still need to add some nik nak's and bolts but the main sections are done. He is pretty low at the base mesh level so UV's should go pretty quick down the road.

Upper body cleaned up a bit still so much to add...

High res mesh all cleaned up minus a few nik naks i can add around with insert meshes. Off to Start the UV's and decide if i want to go down to a real time mesh or leave it high for the illustration. Just a quick paint over as well to see where it will be heading .

This is sick!!! there's a polish to your style that feels like it belongs in a game. The UV's are so clean, was this all rendered in zbrush?

Hi Spencer, yes that is just a plan old BPR render in Z brush ATM. There is still a lot to do I will merge together all the different colour paint areas then lay out the uv's for texturing. The pose has changed slightly since my last post, the far arm is up a bit and I have him leaning in a little bit more. I'll post some new updates once i get some colour on him.

Well everything is pretty much on and i started playing around with some colour. I like the orange but the green goes better with the side i picked which was darkness =(. Up next is adding battle damage to the metal bits like i did on mask.

Worked more on the pose tonight and he is ready for final detail. I will be adding battle damage to various parts then i can focus on something for the back ground. His weapons might change a bit as well I want him to have something like a energy blade on at least the longer edge.

Wow, you are just cruising with this one. Good job on getting a bit of a twist in the torso. Try to get maybe a bend forward too to help make the pose feel less stiff in the torso area? Keep at it! :smiley:

Will tweak the pose a bit more soon, thanks for the input=)

Added a bit more rotation in his mid section as well as lowered him down . I started the back ground tunnel, it should look pretty cool with the windows having a glow if i ever get to the rendering stage lol.

I think i have my colour scheme almost sorted. Just have to dirty him up with marks and damage now and a bit of that on the tunnel as well, then i can start rendering.

It will change a lot once I render out my layers and have control over everything like depth and
shading.This is just a straight up bpr in Z brush.

Wow, really colorful. And i like the shapes!