so, this is my last digital painting. I wanted to know what can I improve/fix for the next image. the first thing you might notice is the lack of a cast shadow behind the character. I really tried to put it, but I couldn't find a way to make it interesting or satisfying for me. wherever I put it, it ended up unbalancing the whole image.

any critique is well accepted :smiley:

Hey :smile: Not bad folk!

Your rendering is lacking a bit, your character feels flat and the lights you've used are not logical; there's a strong light coming from the top of your background, and your character is lit from the middle-bottom right corner where there's mainly darkness. Also It feels like there's a point light near the face and it's not interacting with the other parts of the body (sides of the hands?) . Same for the crown as it's a pretty dark and yet the most exposed element (do you want it matte or should it be shining metal?).

Anyway, the base seems good, the character is ok too.

You should probably focus your education more on how light/shadow works.

Good luck and keep going :smile: