Hey there. I'm a self taught artist from Greece with a dream of breaking into the concept art industry. I started working digitaly about a year ago so i'm focusing on improving my painting and coloring skills. That been said, i also love doodling and drawing in my sketchbooks whenever i don't have the comfort of my tablet. I decided to start uploading some of them here so expect to see mostly traditional stuff. And keep in mind that being sketches and doodles the things that will be posted here might not be as beautiful or polished. Nevertheless some of you might find the blog fun. Hope you enjoy :smile:

The quality isn't the greatest but this is just for fun anyway :stuck_out_tongue: .
Oh and since this is my first time uploading here a digital piece aswell. This was my entry for the first week's amateur league challenge. Of course feedback and CC is always welcome.

What are talking about? Those drawings are awesome :laughing: The woman in the first one is just gorgeous.

And nice work on your weekly challenge piece. I really like the character and the little details like his scars and the skull at the tip of his braid.

Keep up the awesome work!

Thanks a lot, i'm really glad you like the drawings :smile: . I decided to post something more polished for my first post but i plan on uploading rougher sketches like gestures and such soon.

I second @cedricgo - these are really nice. My faves so far are your drawf/old man, and your woman - she reminds me of Michael Turner's work!

So the first weekly challenge champ starts their art blog! Noice :wink:
Looking forward to more!

Gorgeous drawings!!!

Thanks a lot :). I just checked out Michael Turner and i love his work. I'm a big comic book nerd so i might do some studies on his art. Thanks again :smiley:

So overwatch has been consuming my life since the day it was released. Nevertheless i did some fanart. Here's a sketch of Junkrat and Lucio, two of my fav characters. ( Tracer's where it's at tho).

your drawings are really cool! =)

Nice drawings!! Like how you draw faces !

Nice drawings with great expression.

Dragon Day today :stuck_out_tongue: . I just love these creatures. Definately one of my favorite subjects to draw. Unfortunately i struggle too much when painting them due to their complicated form but i'll get there. Hope you enjoy :smile: