i did some nude figure drawing practice,how is it ?

Welcome, and these are a good start! looks like you have a good handle on the cylinder exercise.

thank you! i have a starting point thanks to marc's 30 days challenge

anyway this is today's work: i did some 1 and 5 minute gesture drawing, skeletons on top of photos and skeleetons with cilinder as limbs from reference, plus some male female proportion during school. it took me aproximately 4 hours, without counting the proportion exercise. i quite can't figure out how to be faster and adapt to digital drawing, any tips?

Welcome! These gestures and studies are a really good start :sparkles:

There’s a couple of mannequins where the big masses are not accurately placed - if they are from the ones that you draw on top of the figure I recommend to be as accurate as possible, if they are from just drawing from reference then you can disregard as it is totally normal

Again, great work. I can tell you that these exercises are so useful, keep it up!

the first image is the same as the forth one, i drew them from reference and then shifted them on the reference to highlight mistakes so that it would be easier to analyse them

In that case very nicely done

Nice work
I think with the singer you can exaggerate the curve of the lumbar spine or line of action to make the pose more dynamic

oh okay, thank you for the tip, i'll try it.
today I tried marc's method, the one he used in the female proportion video, tracing it onto ten reference and using it to copy 5 reference (on the bottom of the canvas there are the copied ones and on top the traced). then i did 20 1' gesture drawing and kind of an anatomy practice from imagination.last one took me 30 min and i really can see how much i'm better than whan i started, even if it was only five days ago. Feel free to give feedback's, they really help

Looks like you have a good amount of skills already! I look forward to seeing your improvement!