Hey everyone.

Been trying to nail down my stylization process for
a personal project of mine containing lots of monsters. I really liked
the idea of a crocodile like monster being composed of death and decay,
and leaving a path of dead flora in it's wake. And this is what I came
up with.

Would love some feedback on it, so C&C is welcome!

The only thing that really stands out to me are the claws/fingers. In the front view, the hands/claws look "human-like". Maybe because it looks like he has a thumb there while other shots/views it looks like he has just 3 claws and no thumbs. The front view feels more human like in that way. It gives a feeling that this creature can grab things with his mouth and hands. The shapes are working really nicely and I love the colors. Overall its awesome. Keep up the good work. :+1: