I got the piece of Certificate! took 8 day ish because of holiday and stuff from Marc but the feedback give me some hindsight what I lack. So it definitely help push to much better art.

Marc included 2 paint over + extreme feedback, and I certainly acknowledge this (mention in his feedback) is my weakness throughout the art school so this really help me understanding well. I will post what he include with before and after.

Msg from Marc:
Hi Bob! Oh snap you did it!! You completely crushed the requirements and most definitely deserve the certificate! I'm very happy to send that over, you should be very proud of your final project what a treat it's been to go through 🤩
It took me a little bit to get back to you, with the rush of the holidays and new years + I just wanted to make sure I look over everything properly
Your stuff is awesome, very impressive. Your presentation is top notch too, really elevates the art.
I'm including 2 paintovers for pieces that can easily pop more with just a bit of light warmth - a lot of them don't really use contrast between warm and cool colors which can leave the result looking gray/muddy. It's just a matter of whipping out the soft brush with hard light blend mode to add a bit of color back in 
On the other extreme, some pieces have too much contrast to the point it's hard to understand what's going on. The one called "Rotten Stone- Enemies" is a good example of that. Everything fights for attention, so everything becomes hard to see (you use too much black and white, but not enough gray). When you have pieces like that where it's full of different elements, you have to lower the importance of some to let others shine. Generally speaking, you can often avoid these problems by using a slightly reduced range of values, and only keep the pure white/black for areas where you want the attention to go to. Busy paintings also benefit from working on them in black and white throughout the process to keep the values in check. You can add a black layer on top of your layer stack and set its blend mode to saturation - this way you can easily toggle between the color version and the b&w version to check values. For that particular painting, I think the easiest improvement would be to lower the amount of lightning, and maybe give it a light blue color instead of white to make it less intense.
With that said, I'm attaching your certificate!
It's been a treat to look at your project pieces and I wish you great things for the future. Keep crushing it man!
paint over 1

paint over 2

the extreme feedback mentioned art

my attempt to clean up

So yeah incase you wonder what does the feedback look like then here it is. I strongly believe everyone received different feedback and possible other people will have longer text feedback than me so goodluck everyone to continue your journey.