Daily challenge failed in the first day as my internet decided not to work anymore ...

well, here's what I did Yesterday

Gesture Drawing 30s (only the ones I liked)

Gesture Drawing 1 min (only the ones I liked)

Reference using measurements

Perspective with 1 focal point

perspective with 2 focal points

Started blocking out my room
my idea is to make a room in a 'tower of clock'

Just realized, Is my clock too small?

GD 30s (should I post all of then? )

GD 1 Min

Figure Drawing using measurements

This time I missed pretty beautifully, but I liked the end result so I didn't even try to fix :blush:

I refined a bit the room in the Clock Tower ... Well, it's not a Clock tower anymore .

I followed a more steampunk idea
btw how do I measure the objects size? For the biggest ones I'm doing a box around it (like the table or my (almost similar) r2d2 but the random props (like the hatchet on the pipe) I have no idea of the right proportions, is there a good way to measure or is just experience?

my figure drawing of today:

No gesture drawing as I lost sight of time while drawing the room

Finally finished my room

And this mark the end of my Term 1 !

Nice room love the design of the roof

9 days later

@Kosmonaut thanks!

I'm getting further and further away from may daily posts goal as my graphic board decided by itself that it needed vacations so I had to pause this last week... I hope this time I'm able to proceed more smoothly

Here's my start on term 2 :
my logo (that I made thinking of using as a Instagran Profile Picture )

my complex shape done with the pen tool -

and my 'monsters '

Thanks! I was initially trying to draw a lot of connected gears but the perspective got all messed up . I'm glad I changed though

I'm trying to.. but I usually just am too lazy to draw a lineart on top of the sketch
Just did a quick search about the 'ghosting' method .. it's something like what we do in the beginning of the first term?

I noticed that I was having a hard time to enter into 'drawing mode' and I figured it was probably because since I fixed my computer I stopped with 'gesture drawing'... so i'll start with GD on a daily basis again.

1 min GD

My 'Box Cover'

good gesture but I would recommend trying to use fewer lines and having more line confidence when you do your gesture drawing so like for example if you are drawing the curve of a leg you would draw a single line instead of doing scratchy/hairy lines to get the complete curve but everything else looks good. I also wanted to comment on your box cover because it seems to not be in the right perspective based on how flat the front plane looks it should be more angled in a 2 point perspective set up.

I probably won't be able to improve my lines in GD for now, as I tend to do these hairy lines when trying to correctly adjust the size of the limbs as to not get out of proportion .
I didn't even think about using perspective ( yeah kinda dumb since I just finalized perspective class )

For today's studies :


line control :

shadows :