@cedricgo thanks.
on some of these I used a pencil brush to sketch for first time in a while. i did that at the beginning but then i just went straight to lineart stage and always skipped sketch/penciling, since it saved time but also because the lineart would look worse or more static than the sketch phase. it is pretty fun using a pencil tho, might do it more often. also used an art program for most of these except aki, since aggie is too laggy for me now, krita is pretty nice software, i like the textures and the manga like screen filter that ima probably be spamming now.
doodles from imagination, referenced used for machi.

kpop head study stylized, has some issues but ill try to fix them and finish it more.

pose referenced

doodles from imagination, dislike this one a lot

doodles from imagination, except for the girl with black hair/bangs.

doodle from imagination

pencil doodles from imagination

pencil doodles from imagination

doodles from imagination

pencil doodle from imagination

doodle of my oc, the sketch looks better, has a lot of issues like porportions, still work in progress, ill try to improve it, drawing
faces are hard.

fanart of aki - changed some stuff, improved some stuff, still has issues.

doodles from imagination, middle girls pose/outfit is inspired from a twice image.