I'm not satisfied with it but I wanted to animate something soon. So if you guys think I can improve on something please advice because I'm didly done looking at this thing and it's been too long.

So I am going to animate it soon (hair moving, clouds, etc.) so please give pointers or paintover it or whatever to make it look just a bit better. Thanks

Hey @Gorshdarn

I'm definitlely down to help. Can you let us know your intention you set for yourself for the piece?

Can be anything for example "In this piece I wanted it to feel (Blank), and still show (blank) for the viewer. The story is (blank).

I'm going to work on some lighting stuff for you while you respond.

Well I wanted to make a floating character for a lil home screen sort of animation. There really was no story behind my character it was just a spark of the moment kind of illustration. So the workflow consisted of me creating the character first and then the background which I wasnt planning on doing but happened anyways just to see how far I could take it.

I wasn't really pleased with the outcome but hey if youre willing to help then here's my input to your questions.

"In this piece I wanted to feel weightless-ness and action, and still show adventure for the viewer. The story is my oc closing a demon portal."

So first of all your values, colors and edges, :kissing: MWAH chef's kiss! I wish I could make color decisions this quickly.

Your colors are confidant, your edges are good, clear and subtly controlled where they need to be to draw our focus to your focal point. There is a style in your mark making and your charicterization of figure, and features.

Your composition is great. You might be tired of it, and that can make you not like it. but your stream of consciousness has a strength here you should recognize. And I think you need to harness that. To create something with no planning and thumbnailing before hand at this stage. Again :kissing: MWAH! Chefs kiss.

So if I were to look at this like an art director the only thing I would ask about is the design of armor. Its distracting me a bit. And we don't want that to distract us from our feeling of action and weightlessness that we desire. We want to get it immediatly, not be distracted and ask ourselves, "whats bothering me."

There were some minor MINOR perspective issues with the figure anatomy, I didn't fix that because it would change the composition. I think it works here just fine anyway. But you can see the elbow (her right) and depth of the torso, and facial changes were made.

I always am of the opinion, if its good enough to buy - there aint no f***ing problems. You got away with it.

Your light wasn't as unified as I thought it should be. So I tried to help in that aspect as well making her cast a little bit of shadow. I always picked from your own colors to try not to hurt your color scheme.

I pulled in her scale armor on her upper arms a bit to help with the distraction mentioned before. We want her to be fast so we wont need extra weight. Made her pauldron bigger cause...fantasy! And added a little red (or orange) to the gold.

The biggest change however is the hand. Humans always look at the hands and face to communicate. So when we paint our last little bits we should spend extra time on them. So to communicate action and not change the perspective of her pose I put a slight upward bend as if she was floating and placed it in a little more natural position. I mirrored the forearm scale armor to unify the design because the forearm amor was distracting me as well. Interesting shape design, but I couldn't stop staring at it.

The last thing was getting a little bit of texture on the portal to make the viewer think, 'oh its a portal' because I didn't get that at first. As well as brightening it a bit so we could get that rim light you liked and make her stand out more. (ignore changes I made to smoky areas, I was just covering up the little pallets I made)

The only thing left that I didn't work on was story telling. 'Closing' the portal I dont get from this. However I do get that its a portal and she is in some other realm with these creatures. It would make great cover art or maybe even a splash page.

Great job. I tried to find some of your other stuff on here and this is your strongest piece. Keep up the hard work.

Compliments to the chef! sembra gustoso MWUAH *food kiss

I'll keep your advice and work on the arm, pants and armor. Not really feeling the face or the portal but I will work on those too.

Thanks for helping out :beers: