After doing a bunch of rendering studies I wanted to put my imagination to the test, I started with a rough silhouette mixed with some line work and worked it up from there. I only really had an idea in my head that I wanted some hard materials in there. So here you have... the golem with golems in its mouth and when it barks it shoots golems at you.

He came out really well! The design's pretty cool and so is the rendering. I don't have much else to add other than that. Great job!

oh so much amazing,
nice work !!!

13 days later

Nice concept! The magic fire effect is really cool. Try popping those brights up more on him. Values seem a little flat.

15 days later

8 days later

Nice job. I can't paint anything like that right now. It's out of my level, I think. But I noticed that maybe the right gauntlet is a bit bigger than the left gauntlet. But, beyond that, I think I'll try to be as awesome artist as you, in the future.