Good evening. My name's Gonzo, and I'm a military veteran who serve din hopes one day being able to afford to attend art school and chase my dream of becoming a professional artist. That day came, I went to school, and then I learned the hard truth: I was completely unprepared for the harsh realities that come with it.

After almost 8 years since I served, I have tried and failed to get more than one job in the industry. In between working overtime and overnights as a security guard to provide for my family, and never seeming to find any good opportunities, I have almost completely lost hope.

I begin this journey so I can try to rebuild myself and finally learn what I'm missing and clear whatever is stopping me from finally achieving my dreams and actually get paying work.

Hi Gonzo, welcome buddy. Good luck with your journey, I hope it gives you what you need. Canโ€™t wait to see your progression.

Hi and welcome. Your story reminds of the book โ€œthe old man and the seaโ€ attempting to overcome the odds through perseverance, discipline and improvement of self in a sea full of harsh, ever changing conditions, challenging prey and sharks waiting for the right moment to get an opportunity to tale what you caught

I hope it works out for you, I will try helping by critiquing and appreciating your art


First day is done. I learned that my pen setting as were out of line, and I somehow accidentally merged all my layers while using my shortcuts. Not sure how that happened!

Nice keep it up
I like the hand and feet of that last lne, very expressive
