Here's the rest of week 2!

2 Min gestures

It took me awhile to realize I was making the linework WAY too chonky. Not very satisfied with them but luckily I get another go at them next week.

Some head studies.
I took Esben Lash's "How to Draw the Head From Imagination" course right before this one so I got relatively comfortable with them. I noticed he and Marc have slightly different proportion mapping for the head though. I'm going to have to do a bunch of side-by-sides with the same poses to see how much it ends up effecting the final image.

That's it - thanks for stopping by!

12 days later

Week finally done.
10 Min Gestures

Shapes n' stuff

Some heads

Character Heads

Portrait study

And that's it!
I am realizing as I post this that I totally forgot to draw the individual features of the face. I'll try to cram that into this coming week.
So I realized this week I may be a little too ambitious with these assignments. It's not a terrible thing - I enjoy spending time on them. The problem is when I can't finish them all in a week I start stressing out haha. I guess I'll just have to be more mindful of that moving forward. Last thing I want to do is start falling behind which will trigger a lack of motivation. Gotta keep moving forward.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings!

Welcome, you've got some nice pieces there. Also noting a love for the gluteus maximus



They are really fun to draw haha.

YOOO I love your shapes! esp that ribbon like thing draped over the cylinders - that looks SO smooth and good!

Also love the shading you did on them! looks a lot like 3d!

and oooh these head studies look so amazing!

Dude, that portrait looks goddamn gorgeous, only her jaw is just a tiny bit off from the reference, yet the likeness is really there. Awesome job.

Thanks man!
You have a good eye, I didn't notice the jaw at all.

14 days later

Finally back. My schedule got utterly botched so it took me forever to finish these assignments, as there were a lot of struggles with them. It feels like I got nothing done haha. Welp, here they are.

Some 3D Shapes. A few with multiple light sources.

Head from imagination. This took s good amount of painting and repainting to make the volumes look correct(ish).

Imposing gate. I think I may have tried too much with this but now that its done I'm glad I did. The concave entrance gave me a lot of perspective problems along the way. Also, I struggles a lot with how the cast shadows would end up on the lower left hand side - so much so that I recreated it in Blender and used that as a reference haha. I had no idea how to do anything in that program prior to starting this, a big contribution to why this week took so long. It was fun to learn though!

3D model in blender for help

Anynoodle, that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by!

yoooo that perspective one looks amazing! your shading is so good! esp for the cylinders!

Week 5 here we go.

Gesture (5 min)

3 Point Shapes

4 Point Shapes

I may have misinterpreted this assignment. Reading it now I think it was asking to draw the shapes without the grid. Oh well, I'm going to be drawing a metric buttload of shapes in the future so I'll practice it then.


That's it for this week. Thanks for stopping by!

Why am I just now seeing your perspective assignment? It's SO good! That one was one I struggled with a lot. Also, fair play for turning to blender! I tried giving gothic architecture in Z Brush a go but the only thing I managed to sculpt, was my brains. :sweat_smile:
What do you reckon? Is blender as a software fairly easy to get into or so/so?
As always, amazing work!! You make this stuff seem easy, everything you produce looks so effortlessly GOOD! Love to see it, keep it up! :heart_eyes: