@What_the_dog_doin_tho I do agree with you, anatomy is not necessarily on point, however @gregorya I would not recommend you starting w/ anatomy. There are more basic fundamentals (such as in Term 1) that will improve your work in the beginning stages even more. And properly studying anatomy is tough and requires some skill before you can even attempt it (e.g. you have to rather proficient at constructing basic forms in perspective)
Take your time with the fundamentals and dont forget to do personal work along w/ the studies
Have a great day
Hi gregorya,
Good work on your practices!
If you are okay with some feedback: I think you would benefit from doing a routine exercise (5-10 mins top, but you can do more if you want) drawing basic fundamental forms (cubes, cylinders, spheres, and triangles) over and over in a 2D and 3D space but with the goal of keeping your lines as clean and small (under a size 5-3, and draw as slow as you need) as possible to maximize your pen control.
I also like to do drawabox and think that could also be a benefit to you as well if you want to look into it.
Keep up the good work!