Hello there, I'm Conor ( online alias as Gungnir ) 31 wanting to join in this community, I like a lot of you are wanting to peruse art as I'm getting to that point in life like most where I have to make a choice which is to join the rat race, get a career in a job I don't particularly want to continue in for the money, house start a family etc.. So I've made the choice for now to focus on art and see if I can be happy and do something with Art if that's going to be an option for myself.

I have already gone to University for art which took 3 years, stressfully nights of finishing assignments at midnight just before the hand in date where I would start the project the night before (bad habbit I'm still struggling to deal with) but the course it's self was still like most courses that are created in my opinion are dated or not up to date with what is currently being implemented/ needed to create a working portfolio to get out and find reasonable work after Univesity.

I am here to start learning again, I haven't picked up my tablets stylus for a few years due to motivational issues, partly due to university sucking my passion for drawing ( was accused of plagiarism and not given the benefit of the doubt, just told not to do it again and given just a passing grade ( caused me to get a lower grade diploma because of that)).

But I want to grow, share my experience and become the best artist I can be and if I can get a job after some hard work that would be a bonus.

What I am posting below are some of the works that I have done at University ( all mainly done in a 12 hour period as I would always leave everything until the last minuet with some exceptions. They will be in order of works done.

This was the first drawing I did at University after learning about 1 point perspective

This was a assignment to create a western styled house ( wild west western ) using measured perspective

Learning about thumbnails and character design ( I was playing dark souls 2 at the time, so inspiration for their armour came from there.

Some form building exercises to help with lighting, perspective and understanding shadows.

And finally we get to my final character piece for University, the last one I did while I was there, I did it in about 10 hours including making sketches to make it seem like I had been working on it for the month or so we had to crate this piece. I did come a long way since drawing that tree about 2 and a bit years prior and I still have a ways to go but I will be wanting to improve to the point where I can become a freelance artist in the future, if I get to that level or where ever life can take me.

Hope that you all can welcome me and we can chat to each other and help one another become the best artist and people we can be, look forward to seeing everyone's progress and art that is created. If you have read this far I commend you and appreciate you.

Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing your progress!