Arcane Vi - My original main. Had to take the opportunity to at least draw her properly. Now Excuse Me, I'm about to go watch Act 3.

yup, looking forward to the next season. :smile:

Ok so I've been away from the tablet for about a week now. Taking a break for Thanksgiving - Anyways I switched over from Photoshop to Clip Studio Paint. I didn't want to continue paying the subscription. also I Want to try my hand at animating so I figured I'd jump into it now to start easing into it.

Today I just familiarized myself with the interface and software. here's the tutorial apple I drew.

EDIT: I'll probably tackle smaller pieces for a while to get used to the software. If anybody uses Clip Studio let me know. :smile:

I use CSP as well and It is very close to PS in terms of how it works except from a few slight differences so you should be fine if you know how to use PS well. They are also adding liquify if you didn't know on the 7th of next month. looking up a tutorial here and there should get you through some confusing things

thanks for the heads up - yeah it doesn't seem to hard. just have to make some changes to shortcuts to match my workflow on PS.

Do you know if there's a "free transform" option? I was messing around but only saw regular transform.

if you press ctrl + t and look at your tool property menu you can change how you interact with the object you are manipulating and choose free transform along with other different options as well(the mode setting) You can also just ctrl-click the points as well

I can't express how much I love the accuracy of your line-work. Combined with the rendering, it looks almost like a 3D render. You should be very proud, this is stellar results!

thanks so much Von. It means a lot coming from you, especially since your line work is always well done and so clean. On top of the stellar rendering.

19 days later

You did a great job on that apple !! One thing I would say is that maybe you should keep the same brush for doing the rendering ? you had a nice painterly brush texture going on and it look really great, you rendered really good with it and i think if you did the highlight with the same brush it wouldve been absolutely perfect.
However i'm not a master take this with a grain of salt it might be just my personnal taste :smiley:
Other than this it looks amazing congrats!!!

thanks @leo.glt95. when I was doing the exercise (which was a tutorial. for CLIP STUDIO) I tried to follow along with the type of brush strokes they made. that why I chose a less texturized brush for the highlight. I'm with you on the appeal of texture. I could never get a good grasp of texture in photoshop but for some reason its been clicking with me for CSP.

Ohhh i see ! my bad then :smiley:
Never tried CSP i'll stick to my pirate PSD version lmao :sob:

Hello all. its been a while since I posted. I was originally working on this piece at the beginning of the month. as I started to learn CSP. was really enjoying my time with it but ended up having to restart it a few days into it. after that I got busy with work for a bit. Finally had time to finish it up. let me know what you think.

It's pretty nice! I like the mood. Good job ๐Ÿ‘

15 days later

Happy new year everybody, I've been working on this piece since a bit before new years, was hoping to finish this last week but I got some feedback and the adjustments took a bit longer than I anticipated. I wanted to start the year off right so i took my time with it though.

Let me know what you think.

Cheers to a great year of art!

Looks great handro! I think the lips could be a little more pursed to convey the "sshhh" pose a more

thanks, this is my first time morphing the lips out of a typical portrait style so i wasn't sure how far to push it without it looking comical or weird. That's why i didn't push it a lot.