You just go to the regular "Profile" settings and you can change the full name and username there.
@tree_head If it is really bugged and you can't change your username, I believe moderators are able to manually do it. Try changing it via Profile settings and if that fails, tag me and say what you want your name to be and I'll try to change it for you.
@Daniel_Nayah your name cannot contain a space, only letters, numbers and underscore.
I put an underscore there, but if you'd like another way, just let me know
1 month later
Hi! Could you help me change my username too please? I've already changed it on the profile section and it works well in the store. I can see my picture and my username, but when I use the forums my username is the mail I used to sign up and I don't have a pic. I've tried to change it through the “forum profile” option but I can't find any edit option there, so I don't know what else to do.
If you can do it, I'd love to have choixee as username and for the photo the one I already have is ok, I can send it via dm if needed!
Thanks a LOT in advance!
@choixee hi! So sorry you are experiencing trouble. I've changed your name, but unfortunately I'm not able to change people's profile pictures.
Only thing I can recommend is deleting cookies and cache for cubebrush and trying to upload it through your profile again.
OMG thanks a lot for changing my name ! Don't worry about the picture, I'll try to delete all cookies as you recommend! If it doesn't work I'll wait till I post more in the forums. I've read on other topics that the pic issue sometimes gets solved when you already have a few posts. So I'll pray for it
Anyway, thank you so much for your help and hope u having a nice day
@choixee no problem at all! Hope you have a nice forum experience