@youen okay!
@FreelanArt It's done
@okinawa4k sorry to hear that, good luck next time!
@Saltyhero When you say that you can't edit your topic for an update, do you mean that you can't reply to your own topic? I just want to make sure before I delete it.
25 days later
Just because it might be seen here quicker than a message, would you guys please remove these two threads for me?
I have all of the images backed up and the threads are old. The problems are few but I don't need anyone bothering to dig through them for the problem images, just delete em both if you would please. Thanks!
Hi, Can I get this topic deleted? https://forums.cubebrush.co/t/caiwans-art-blog/1417
8 months later
Hi, could you please delete mine?
6 months later
hello, could someone delete this blog? i never used an art blog before so i didnt know how it worked, i want to start again https://forums.cubebrush.co/t/fairy-flower/4123