I'd say try having her sitting on it with her legs towards the right so her back is to the window; then have her backlit.

I'm assuming that's what you meant by your question?

Just an idea....

Use some of the tones that you have already to start.

Block in her shape with one of those mid range purples.
Block in the light hitting her back (if she's facing us) and dont put any information or value range in that light unless it is edge information.

And use the reflected light to add details (aka soft and hard edged) secondary information to the shaded area that would be facing us.

Frame her in that closest window since it is in just the right spot.
This way she will be a dark figure on a light background in the comp, and her shadow side will be detailed with your reflected light information.

Hope that helps.

Yeah, that's what the plan was, but I meant character wise. For example should I draw a girl who looks like shes a member of the church or an angle who stuck on earth. Oh and thank you for the help, Id be happy to help you if you need it

Yeah, I think I get it. Ill try and come up with a sketch and get back to you if thats ok with you. Also if you need any help with your art Im happy to help.

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