
My name is Melissa but most people call me Liz. I am currently a self-taught artist from the Netherlands and work at an organic supermarket/health store during the week. I've always been someone who loves drawing but started to take it more seriously back in 2014. Next spring I'd love to apply for art school and work my way towards becoming a professional illustrator/concept artist.

It is very nice to meet you all! :smile:

Nice to meet you all!
@Liz, what art school are you going to apply for? I live in the Netherlands as well.

Hello everyone!
My name is Wesley and I am currently working on my concept art portfolio and hope to be breaking into the industry within the next year. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and helping this community grow!

See you all around on the forums!! ^___^

Hi everyone, my name's Red! I'm so excited to be here :] I'm a self-taught artist from Davao City, Philippines. I've been doing digital art for a few years now, and I'm currently studying digital illustration & concept art at 3dsense Media School in Singapore (a 1 year program). Let's all grow and learn together > w<

I am going to apply for the Illustration program on ArtEZ, Zwolle. I´ve done a precourse there to see if I like the school and how they work last year but wasn´t ready to apply before.

Hello Everyone!

My name is Andres and I am a computer animation student at Full Sail. I want to be an awesome character artist learning and practicing everyday to improve as much as I can. I hope we can share opinions and knowledge between us to grow up as community. Nice to meet you all and let's do some art!! :smile:

Hey there!

I'm Shia, Kiger's twin sister and I'm new here.
Like my sister I'm also studying to be a teacher in Fine Arts and almost finished uni. :smiley:

Started drawing again since two weeks or so and really want to improve and learn a lot from this website.

Right now I have my own crocheting business and a huge Instagram following but would love to expand in the near future and sell drawings as well.

Nice to meet all of you!

Hi just wanted to introduce myself as well. I'm an Austin based artists. I love doing Character and Props. I also sculpt and paint, and I'm a colorist for a local Comic book company here.
Looking forward to interacting and helping or learning!

Hey Everyone,
I'm Matheus (Matthew in english). I'm architecture student and (mostly) self-taught asparing artist from Brazil. As a kid I always loved drawing and art in general but only in 2015 I decided to get more serious about it and really work to improve.
I took part on some challenges on the old cubebrush foruns.

Hi there! Ryan here.
I'm a self taught hobbyist. I started digital art with some graphic art work years ago now.
I have a full time job as a mobile game developer, so that's fun.

I've been on the last forums before. I'm really looking for a solid community for feedback and activities.
I hope this one sticks around. You can find me on twitter and artstation @rogueSleipnir too.

Hey there everyone! Operus here!
I'm a 3D Artist from the Philippines. Nowadays I'm polishing my skills more on making characters and trying to get into a game studio. I look forward to talking and creating awesome art with the Cubebrush Community.

Hey there. i'm a self taught artist from Greece with a dream of breaking into the concept art industry. I'm currently focusing on improving my skills.
Let us all improve together throught these forums :smiley:

Hello everyone,

my name is Ned and I am, as I like to call it, a self taught "doodlist". I live in Germany and am currently studying Computer Science whilst drawing doodles inbetween work and university.

I am pretty new to this community so I hope I can find some new friends around here!

You can find me on all the popular social media around the web under the name Ned Doodle.


Hello everybody!
I'm Giampaolo from italy, on november i'll start my "Master in Illustration and ConceptArt" at EventHorizon school in Florence and i hope next year to attend SynStudio's concept art 2year program in Montreal, i'm a wannabe concept artist and i dont know what to say more :smiley: just wanted to say hello!

Greetings! Glad to see the forums up and running. Cubebrush has been such a great resource.

My name is Bennett, I am a concept artist & illustrator based in Seattle. Looking to improve, grow, and work on cool stuff.

Swing on over to my site if yah like http://bennettdurfee.com/ crits and comments are always welcome.

Hello everyone, I am a student of the digital arts and hopes to become a concept artist some day. Currently constantly working on the fundamentals and is looking to become better in the aspect of design also.

Hello. My name is Shaun. Currently I'm...nothing. Been trying to draw for 30 years, but still can't do a decent circle. I finally learned how to draw straight lines last month, but can't do them when I need to.

Hello! My name is Gabriel Dias, a digital artist from Brasil.
I'm currently working at improving my skills, and writing and designing for my upcoming comic.
I'm joining this forum to give and receive feedback from other artists!

Hello everyone, I'm a student from the states. I'm currently in college and am about to graduate in a Computer Simulation degree. I'm hoping to become a character or texture artist in the game industry.

I still have a long way to go in that aspect but I feel like I'm on the right track. Hopefully I can share my work and get some good feedback from all of you.