Good lord, your paintings are outright stunning. Very inspirational!

last nights background painting not totally done, needs some more tweaking and thinking about some flowers on the foreground branch. But moving on the next one for now, might get some better ideas later.

Amazing landscape paintings, should I say. I like so much your warmness-and-coolness gradation - this makes objects feel more texturised and alive!
And your glowing effect from the water on the first painting and from the stones on the second is astonishing.

Ah. Can't even imagine how difficult that's gonna be, at the same time, possibly rewarding when you see everything coming together. None of the less, look forward for it, and can't wait to see more of this passion project of yours.

Very cool paintings! nice style!! I like them all, but what happened to those buildings in the second ones? are they meant to be that way?

I really love your style! As someone who completely sucks at creating environments I am in awe

Really love how you make these images glow. These backgrounds really have a nice stylistic consistency to them that gives a very nice atmosphere and emotion. Can't wait to see the animation you're working on.

Might be useful to someone for sketching landscapes and things, pretty straightforward and quick way of doing perspective grids though not super precise.

  • Ignore, much better way down below.

Man your art is stunning. every single one of your pieces a love them, the colors, the composition, everything. I can't wait to see more of your artwork. :smiley:

Hah god damnit! That's way better, thanks for the tip ^^

Your artwork is so good, the amount of detail is amazing. I would love to see the process in the making of your art.

You have some beautiful colors and environment design, not much to say other than this :smile:

Oh geez, look at those mountains. Even back when you first started you were amazing. Too much talent.

It'll be fun to see how your animation turns out in the end.

Its phenomenal to see the amount of hard work that comes into play from starting where you were and to where you are now. We're speaking about how many hours of practice her on a daily basis since the time you started?