Last exercise gave me lots of trouble, I struggled with it longer then I care to admit. There’s a brightness to her face and chest I just can’t seem to restore. Of course I could go in and selectively focus those parts, but I’m assuming the goal is to be adjusting the entire image exclusively.

Wanted to try using my personal pictures rather then random ones online. Considering I don’t have photoshop, I think it turned out decent.

Did I cheat and use more then liquify for the last portion? Yes I did. Do I have any regrets? No I do not lol.

Nice work! You did a really nice job with those curve and level adjustments. The beach one is really difficult and you did a nice job! I heard Marc say once that the beach scene is 3 adjustments and if you don't hit it, its best to start over than to try and adjust from there. Really fantastic work Jason keep it up!

Gesture drawing is definitely something I’ll need to be practicing more. It’s something I’ve never done, but I can see the value in it. It’s also a nice easy way to draw daily without feeling overwhelmed.

Keep up that gesture you are starting with a good eye for sure! This measuring exercise came out really well also!

1 month later

Nothing will make you realize how awkwardly you’ve furnished your room quite like drawing it in 1 point perspective lol.

2 months later

Haven’t had the chance to go through the class lately, but here’s something I whipped up for an oc of mine. I’m still a newbie when it comes to colouring, which is one of the things I’m looking forward to improving on. Let me know if you have any thoughts or critiques.

4 months later


Here’s something a bit different from what I usually draw. I tried to challenge myself and only use three layers: the background, the branch, and the bird itself.

I couldn’t decide if I should go full photo realistic, or more stylized, and ended up somewhere in the middle and failed at both lol 😅. But the process was so soothing and relaxing I still had lots of fun with it.

Nice job, it looks very pretty. That’s a kingfisher?


It is! I looked at a few other birds, but the blue, orange and white colour palette was too attractive to resist.

1 year later

A quick little study on light and colour. It’s easily what I’m the least comfortable with. I need to practice more, and find a consistent method of doing it.

Hey, welcome back to the forums! This is looking pretty nice!
One thing I'd like to mention though, and I could be wrong here, but it looks to me like you used some sort of glow layer to add lighting on the study. Using different kinds of layers and effects on an artwork is always welcome, but when doing studies, I personally recommend only the basic brushes with nothing fancy on top. Training your eyes that way will be a lot more useful later down the line.
But either way, it's just what I think will help most so feel free to disregard what I say!