Greetings fellow creative journeymen!

I started pursuing art seriously about 2 years ago, and have since gone through Drawabox and Proko’s Figure Drawing Fundamentals course. I still have much learning and practice to do, but I am confident that if I put in the work to study this program that I will improve and grow along side you, my fellow artists.

Alright, let’s get started! As I do not possess Photoshop, I am using Procreate and Affinity Photo for my assignments. Here is my first completed pen control assignment:

Image Adjustments assignments. I found the color balance to be particularly difficult mainly because there are a lot more small adjustments you can make. And that last one, oof, man that one was hard. I got closer, but still pretty far away from the source image.

Welcome :smile: And the last one was killing most of us here :smiley:

Welcome on the forums, Jaydon!
Its always great to see a new motivated face on the forums!
I am excited to see your progress over the coming weeks and months :grin:

Thanks for the warm welcomes!

Here is the "Dream Home" assignment. The composition was hard with the varying perspectives of each image. I think I made the dragon much too dark... 🤔

The photo manipulation assignments. These tools can really create some interesting and horrific images :laughing: I think I could have dealt better with the alien as I think I rashly used the liquify tools, and it resulted in a lot of obvious manipulation.

I wanted to really solidify what I've learned so far and made this delicious Oranana.

This is disconcerting. Well done.

I've started the gestures video, and have practiced the basics of the line of action and simple shapes for the ribcage and pelvis. I present some evidence here to the court:

Since I have gone through Proko's figure drawing course, this was not very difficult for me. But i'ts a good and humbling thing to go back to the basics. My pride has already caused me enough pain in drawing, why allow it to grow? Dash it against the rocks of the fundamentals!

Haha ok, enough of my ranting...

Gestures with the cylinders for limbs: