First (somewhat messy) attempt at the average proportions assignment.

I've finally finished watching all of the Nude Figure Drawing video. Here is my first full practice session. Thanks for reading this, I really appreciate the GESTURE, ahahaha! get it cause the gesture.. and, you know drawing? and.. yeah ok I'll see myself out...
30 second gestures:

1 minuet gestures:

The other stuff :smile: :

Just an update with a small portion of my practice of few gestures to prove I am alive and still practicing... or am I? Vsauce music plays

Here is the one point perspective assignment:

This look nice! I think using thinner lines would be a good ides so we could see more of the chairs, but the perspective looks really solid.

Oh my gosh, thinner lines, that’s a brilliant idea! I can’t believe I didn’t even think to do that 😆. Thank you for pointing that out, I’ll be sure to use thinner lines in the next one.

1 month later

Alright, good grief! after about a month I am finally back up and running. I recently moved so there has been a lot of sorting things out. But I am finally back now! Here is the second part of the perspective term using two vanishing points:

Something janky went on with the tower on the left, I am not quite sure how I messed it up, but it just seems off.

Great to see you back, Jaydon!
Hmm I think the tower is too far in the frond in order to connect to the wall on its right. (I assume thats what you were going for...)
Second, I think the lower part of the towers cylinder is too curved in order to match the ground plane. mabe a little less curvature will fix the problem :smile:
Good mate, keep it up! :smiley:

13 days later

A session of practicing the overlapping shapes and drawing heads from anatomy 1:

6 months later

I’m back! I had technical difficulties with my cube brush account, but have gotten back some control. I’ve been drawing and still learning during my time away, I just haven’t posted anything.
Here are some snippets of what I've done since,
Some eyes from anatomy 1:

The assignments from perspective 2:

And some clothing from Clothed Figure Drawing. Painting clothing is super difficult as I have not hardly tried before. But with practice and time I am seeing small improvement:

I've done the final clothing assignment. I am having a really difficult time with understanding why my clothing folds don't look accurate. Does anybody have any ideas what I am doing wrong, and could you possibly point it out? thanks! :blush:

Since I'm not at the clothing assigment yet, I can only give some tips why it might be wrong and maybe even help you out with some good recommended youtube videos.

Clothing folds can have extreme value changes:
- Deep Folds with heavy black and easy to spot value changes, has more sudden gradients.
- Light Folds are rather "light" on the shading part, they have relaxed gradients and slowly shift from dark to light.

The edges are another thing, having a good understanding on hard and soft edges is fundamental.
Try hanging a shirt on something and create different light setups. Some are easier than others and slowly building up to harder things is a huge help.

Material and thickness matters too:
- A shirt which is very thin has a lot of folds.
- A shirt that is extremely thick has very little folds because the weight keeps the material straight.

YouTube recommendation which is hopefully enough to help you out:

Since clothing folds are basically overlaps, understanding overlaps in general is a huge help.
You can find a bunch of videos on YouTube about that, even looking at real time drawing videos and studying what they are drawing is super helpful.

Hope this helps, good luck man you got this!

Nice work so far keep it up! I am not to this part of the program yet but one thing I hear Marc repeat a lot on his review streams is to shade the folds like cylinders. Check out weekly stream 86 on youtube at the 47 minute mark. He goes over this here! Hopefully that helps.