He is looking rather good. The sculpting and expression work out well, and the various embellishments are solid.

Given the level of detail and texturing on the skin, there are some disconnects in the rendering reflections and textures in the teeth, hair, gums, and nose ring. What are you using for the render? Perhaps they were rendered in a separate batch and simply didn't pick up the local reflections or the settings were slightly different.
This appears to be simply a technical issue in the rendering step that sticks out.

That aside, looks quite good. Very much has that warcraft orc feel like you mentioned on art station.

Thank you very much, I'm very glad that you enjoyed it.

I used marmoset for the render, it was the first time rendering a more realistic project, I really lack technique in this part of render.
Some parts should have different material settings, I'll analyze this and make some adjustments.

But for the next project I will try to improve this part, and maybe I will come back in this orc for some touches.

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