Hi all~ My name is Jenner, I started the ArtSchool Journey around February of 2020.
Here are my socials (for gifs and others) - INSTA, ARTSTATION, TWITT

You might see me on the streams from time to time, but I can share my progress here. I also love feedback on newer projects :smile:

I am trying to be a splash illustrator/concept artist for game companies, so here is my journey into that too ^^

Here was the first thing that I posted on streams when I took the class:

And here was the most recent, with a year and a half of feedback:

I can also post some of the works that have been on the streams, and their progress, and how I improved too, if anyone is interested!

I remember seeing the dragon gate! Welcome to the forums! :grin:

Welcome to the forums, Jenner!
Its great to see someone working towards a clear goal! Excited to see more of your work!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Yes! This is awesome Jenner!

These are some of the early pieces from streams and their project files! I am a big League fan, and enjoy making splash for fan concepts.

In these two projects, I worked towards making more interesting compositions, and balancing colors and values ~

March '20


Updating more stuff from streams, and hopefully caught up with my current things ~

I was working on my environments, and establishing depth in my environments so that everything looks like it is located in the same plane. This was always difficult for me to do, especially with my processes.

June '20


SEPT '20

I really love how clean all your work is! Whether it would be a concept art piece, a thumbnail or a full illustration, everything is super clean! :smile: :clap:
And yeah I do remember some of your pieces from the stream!
If thats not too much effort to answer, would you like to explain a little bit about your process? What goes on in the stages between first ideation/design and the final illustration? I am really interested! :smile: