
I am a working animator making a transition into being a Illustrator and Visual Development artist with a focus on more stylized art. Wanted to join an art community to meet like minded artists that I can learn from and help motivate me. Currently enrolled in Cubebrush's Art School and have access to Schoolism.

I have compiled a few of things from sketches, studies and WIP for portfolio pieces, from the past months to see what I really like to go with my art and my weaknesses. Critiques are welcome.

Hey! ^^
These all look super solid to me, your lines appear confident, and I also like how clean you work.
I guess as your goal to become an Illustrator you should maybe try and Push either a Character, or an environment ( with push I mean further render, maybe a bit more realistic / stylized ) in order for people to see how well you can 'illustrate' concepts and Ideas into fully rendered paintings :smile_cat:
Welcome to the club! :cb:

Thanks Chris for the feedback, I noticed from compiling my art together my weakness was finishing pieces and painting things to a polished look, its something I am working towards.

Welcome to :cb: Happy to have you here.
I would agree with @chriswhatelse. You have some cool pieces here so i would love to see how far you can push one.

Wow, these are lovely!
You have a very strong base of knowledge 👍
Cannot really critique these (as they are really good, especially I like how you capture gestures) but I don't see any of actual environments so as for creating a complete illustration it could help to nail those down as well.

And as for finishing a piece I also struggle with it haha but currently I'm trying to implement one thing into my workflow and it is -- working from big to small.
I watched a lot of classical art students paint and they all render the entire piece simultaneously, they don't focus just on one thing and then moving to the other.

Anyway, welcome to :cb:

Welcome to Cubebrush!

I don't really have much to add that hasn't been said already, but as far as illustration goes, you probably want to work on your storytelling and your ability to tell a story from a picture through your characters and their actions and also the environment that they're in.

I personally like illustrations a lot (even if I'm not that great at it), because it allows you to touch at almost everything in a single piece. By that I mean character design, environments, props, colors, light, perspective and all that good stuff. It can certainly be difficult, but to me it's so fun and rewarding. And looking at what you do, I'm sure you won't have much problems getting the hang of it.

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