Hey everyone, my name's Joseph; I'm 21 years old, and it's a pleasure to meet you all! My art obsession started when I was a kid, although I didn't realize it until five years ago; that's when I began to like animation (specifically 2D, but I wouldn't mind tackling 3D for a little bit, and then eventually digital art). While I wanted to master drawing animation, there's a knack I need to learn about anatomy first. While learning the ropes, I'm pretty slow and inconsistent, especially in poses and body parts.
I spend my time sketching ten or more poses with references alongside other daily exercises. However, I know it was not enough to cultivate my craft for the main dish, as well as a lack of specific areas that needed fixing and other critiques. So, I want to be at my peak at creating high-quality art. However, I still have a long way to go if I want to commit.
That's why I am tackling this workshop to ace my art skills. I hope I can work alongside you guys to utilize our skills. So I look forward to polishing and learning new skills in animation. Creating art and, hopefully, learning unique experiences.
Jul 14, '23
last reply
Mar 15