I've finally finished my entry for the June Week #1 Elemental Character challenge (and it only took me till the middle of July to do so :smirk:).

I realize the challenge is long past due, but I still wanted to post it.

This is a candle golem, a magical creature made from a candle. It could be considered a mixture of different elements, but its magic is mostly fire based in nature.

It was interesting learning how to draw the lighting for two light sources at the same time; it's not as straight forward as I expected it to be and I'm not sure I was entirely successful, but I still think the character turned out well. Please let me know what you think of it:

Now to finish my Mermay entry :sweat_smile:

Nice design! I like knuckle candles and resting pose is just cute.

Can't wait to see Mermay

Nice work my friend. Love the extra drawings showcasing more of the character.