Hello! I wasn't a really big fan of the proportions study assignment (I understand it's important), but it felt like a lot of copying which is pretty zzz.

I approached this assignment a little bit differently from what Marc did. I tried using a lot less measuring methods from the start and just adjusted things along the way when I saw them off. The end result deviates a little bit from the original picture, but I think I got the general gist of it!

Please leave any comments / criticism if you have any especially on my 2nd assignment for today. I really wonder how the rest of you guys approached this assignment because I find measuring to be very tedious.

I made an attempt at the 30 second gesture drawings today and it wasn't fun -_-. It felt very stressful, so I'm probably going to try doing 1 minute ones from now on. Feedback is appreciated!

When I first started gestures I hated it so much. So so much. I still don't like it. But I do enjoy it more than I used to. I'm used to fixing most of my art mistakes by throwing time at it. Which you cant do for gesture. That being said you are identifying key landmarks and these look really good for 30 secs for sure. Capturing a lot of volume! Great work with these, keep it up the pain will go down pretty quickly.

Thank you, I wasn't entirely sure if I was doing these right!

I did some 1 minute gesture drawings for today. I'm probably going to start on perspective tomorrow. I've realized I'm moving at a pretty slow pace, so I'm going to try to step it up a bit.

I was feeling kind of lazy yesterday so I didn't post. Got some new 1 minute gestures for today (I did a lot more but I compiled the ones I thought were best). I approached these differently from my previous gesture drawings. I tried giving the poses a lot more structure. Please let me know if it's better this way or the way I was previously doing these gestures.

I started on my room perspective drawing today. I did a little bit and drew some crates in perspective (going for a sci-fi vibe for my room). If you see any of the perspective off, let me know.

Hello! Got some more progress on my "room" assignment. I'm slowly realizing that it's turning more into a science laboratory than a representation of my room, but oh well. I'll try to fix up the line quality when I'm finished drawing the room in entirety. Any feedback is appreciated!

I did some gesture drawing today as well, here is what I did in one of my sessions. Not really sure if I'm doing these properly or not. I feel like you can understand the pose in most of these, but they might be lacking something, I'm not sure.

More progress on the assignment today! It's pretty hard coming up with ideas of how to fill the room up, so I'm just going to shorten the size of it in order to not drive myself crazy.

More gestures...

Lovely work especially on the perspective! There are many different ways to do gestures, and Marc has said as you improve the gestures will change. So I would just say do whats natural to you and I think these are looking great! Nice job!

Thank you so much! I was getting worried that I wasn't doing the gestures properly.

Hello! I finally finished the "room" assignment. Again, it's not much of a representation of my room, but the moment I realized that, I was too far in to go back. The left side has a lot more detail than the right purely because I was pretty unmotivated to finish the project. I'll probably be moving onto term 2 after taking a break for a day or two.