Awesome stuff! Such nice perspective and gestures drawings.

I just loved that cute looking duck btw :laughing:

Nice job on these exercises, I really like the way you render em


Drew some landscapes from reference today. It was quite fun.

ayy...amazing work kaz

One more landscape for this week.

Those are some dope paintings, looks like something i would buy to hang somewhere in my home, awesome stuff.

Thank you very much !

Week 8 day 4 :

Love the fluidity of your lines. :smile:

That's a lot of good work! Impressive how there are people here from all around the world!

Seems you are already used to digital art, have you been doing art for a long time now?

Thank you ! I´ve always liked to draw. I started drawing digitally around 3 years ago. Honestly buying a graphic tablet was the best decision ever. :laughing: I love all the possibilities it brings.