Hello everyone,
I've been interested in concept art and illustration for as long as I can recall. I've been spending every spare moment I have lately to try to improve my art. I'll be posting whenever I have a collection of practice for critique. For starters, here are a bunch of value studies and sketches from about the last two weeks of practice. I haven't started any assignments yet (I am also in university right now) but I figured it would be good to share what I have and get some feedback.

A few more bits and bobs of practice:

Those are awesome thumbnails and value studies. You put in a lot of work. I would say your smaller thumbnails have a better variation of values than the more worked on pieces.
Here's a video tutorial I found extremely helpful for approaching environments if you feel like working in this direction more:

Keep up the good work!

Hi WeirdOwl!
Thank you for your kind words and for the link as well, I'll check it out.
The smaller thumbnails have better value reads because I figured out how the value scale shrinks as stuff recedes into the background. I was originally confused about lighter colors in the foreground until I watched one of Marc's videos where he explained that the foreground has the widest value range, and it shrinks from there.